Looking for Certified Organic Medicinal Herb Seeds and Plants?

Visit Horizon Herbs


Horizon Herbs is a certified organic farm and certified organic processor in Williams, Oregon. It is one of the last few seed companies that actually grows and harvests the seeds they sell. Their specialty is medicinal herb seeds and plants from Agrimony to Zhi-mu and they have the largest collection of medicinal herbs in the US. All seeds and plants are certified organic, open-pollinated, GMO-free, untreated and packaged in plain packets to conserve resources and keep costs down.


The enclycopedic catalog lists 400 organic seeds and organic plants for medicinal, culinary and dye herbs plus a collection of rare, historical and odd herbs. Medicinal herbs often require cultivation strategies that differ from vegetable seeds. Each seed packet (100 seeds) gives you the common name, Latin name, uses, descriptive and growing guidelines. Extensive information for each plant is available online. For more specific cultivation advice you may wish to order the comprehensive The Medicinal Herb Grower, $19.95, written and illustrated by the founders of Horizon Herbs, Richo and Sena Cech. Or visit the Medicinal Herb Bookstore where you will find a large selection of books. I just joined the email newsletter to keep in touch with them. Visit Richo’s extraordinary blog The Seed Screen for inspiration and to learn how to create your own herbalscape and medicinal herb garden.


Where to start? Common and useful medicinal herbs are burdock, calendula, echinacea (see photo), chamomile, lemon balm, marshmallow, nettles, wood betony… Or perhaps a gift collection of certified organically grown seeds is a good choice for the aspiring grower of medicinal herbs:

Lifeline Medicinal Herb Garden – 18 packets/ $29.95

12 Kidzherbs® Medicinal Herbs + Sena’s delightful book – $19.95

6 Traditional Japanese Herbs – $19.95

8 Traditional Chinese Herbs – $24.95

9 Traditional Ayurvedic Herbs – $24.95

7 Dye Plants Seeds – $14.95

5 Native American Plains Seeds – $9.95

8 Native American Spirit Plants Seeds – $22.95

10 My Mother’s Kitchen Garden herbs – $19.95

7 Edible Flowers Seeds – $14.95


There is nothing as gratifying as snipping a few herbs from your own garden for a healing tea or an ointment. If space is a problem, a medicinal window box or large tub planter will allow you to benefit from the natural healing powers of herbs.

2 Responses to “Horizon Herbs”

  • Steve:

    I’m looking for Bilberry seedlings. Have you got these or know where to buy them?

  • Hi Steve, I’m sorry I don’t know where you can find bilberry seedlings. Seeds are available online. Seedlings are too perishable for shipping.

    Sorry I cannot be of any help. Polly

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